Vietnam Robusta Honey Processed Coffee (SCR18, SCR16)

  • Variety: Robusta
  • Region: Daklak – Vietnam Origin
  • Elevation: 800m
  • Processing: Honey Process
  • Ripe Rate: 99-100%
  • Moisture: 12,5%
  • Foreign Matter: 0.1%
  • Black: 0.1%
  • Broken: 0.5%
  • Rate on Sieve: Min 90%
  • Bean size (Sieve): S16, S18
  • Capacity: 3000 tons/year
  • Price per kilogram: $/kg

Product information

Vietnam Robusta Honey Processed Green Coffee Beans is a version of those specials. The retention of more mucilage during primary processing results in a beautiful dark red color when dried, deepening the sweetness that penetrates the skin, and the taste is more refined and post-deposition.

Honey method, originated in Costa Rica because of its effectiveness in improving coffee quality. This method is widely applied in Central American countries and presents a solid foundation.

The word “honey” is used in this term to refer to the coffee processing method and is sometimes misleading. No honey ingredients are used in all stages of the process.

1. Vietnam Honey Robusta Coffee – Sweet taste makes a difference.

1.1. What exactly is the Robusta honey coffee process?

The honey coffee process method removes the harvested coffee fruit from the skin and part of the inner flesh, and the beans are dried on a drying rack or yard for a specific time. The remaining pulp surrounding the kernel accelerates the fermentation process compared to natural (dry/natural) processing methods.

Mucus is rich in acids and sugars. Also, because of the addition of this part, the coffee beans have a balanced overall sweetness, which is superior to other methods. When done correctly and on schedule, the Honey prep method creates a beautiful property, perfecting dry prep and wet prep.

The drying step is the decisive step for the semi-natural method. In this way, it is possible to produce different flavors due to the various effects of fermentation. The drying process is critical as there is a high risk of mold growth and defects, so the beans must be turned regularly until the desired moisture content is reached and protected from insect damage.

Coffee farmers establish their rating system for the degree of processing in their harvests. A grading scale is used, which indicates the amount of mucilage remaining on the kernel, usually 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100%. This system is not officially recognized, as it is relative, and the primary purpose is to help farmers determine their mucus levels.

1.2. Yellow honey, White honey,  Red honey, and Black honey in Vietnam Robusta coffee

Processed Honey Robusta in general and honey-processed robusta in particular. It is sometimes mistakenly believed that this method mixes honey with green coffee. But, when the coffee fruit is ripe, the sugar level reaches the highest level, and the fruit will be peeled and retain the mucus layer. Coffee will be sun-dried on the rigs without going through any more stages.

Based on the fermentation stage and the percentage of the mucilage retained, the processor divides Robusta Honey into many different types. The following types are yellow honey red honey, and black honey.

When people hear the name “Robusta Honey,” they sometimes think this method involves mixing honey with coffee. But in reality, Robusta Honey coffee is made from Robusta beans that have been processed using the honey method. People call it “Robusta-Honey” or “honey coffee” because its color is similar to that of honey, which is yellowish.

So, the name of Robusta-Honey coffee can also change depending on how much the rice husk is colored. For example, white honey will be called “white honey,” honey that is dark brown will be called “black honey,” and honey that is reddish brown will be called “red honey.” The color of honey depends on how much of the mucus layer is left on the peel. More or less rice while it was being made.

Honey-processed Robusta coffee is also processed differently from other types of coffee because it needs to keep its yellow color. Usually, coffee is processed wet, which means that all of the mucus on the surface of the coffee beans is removed, and the coffee is allowed to ferment.

1.3. Honey processed coffees quality

However, the honey-honey coffee method often leaves some or all of the mucus on the coffee bean’s surface while dries. This method does not need fermentation, so the coffee beans still have soft shells.

This method of processing uses the sticky rice layer, which has a lot of sugar (8–12%), to give the rice coffee skin a color that looks like honey. At the same time, this layer of sugar will soak into the coffee beans as they are processed, making them taste better after they are roasted. Because of this, Robusta Honey has a light fruity smell and a sweet, intense aftertaste.

1.4. Where honey robusta coffee comes from in Vietnam?

In the early 1800s, Congo-Belgium was the first place where Robusta coffee was found. This plant is related to Arabica and comes from Ethiopia, but it used to grow in the wild.

So, the Robusta tree is taller, has more branches, and has more leaves than the Arabica tree. After 1900, this variety was brought to Southeast Asia to prevent rust. It later became a staple in this country. Robusta Honey Coffee makes up 90% of all the coffee grown in Vietnam, has developed a way to process honey coffee in the last ten years.

This trend started when small roasters in Japan and the US who wanted to sell high-quality coffee began working with small producers in Daklak Province, Vietnam to meet customer demand for luxury goods.

Keeping up with the times, several production facilities in Vietnam have also used the Honey processing method on Robusta coffee varieties, making Robusta Honey coffee beans. It was taking Vietnam’s coffee business to new heights.

Robusta Honey coffee was also hard to make because it was made with complicated methods that took up a lot of space and required a lot of labor to dry. But all of that is worth it because Robusta Honey coffee makes clean cups of coffee with a sweet, rich smell, which makes it worth more.

1.5. Honey Robusta Bean Flavour

In terms of flavor, it is faithful to the moniker Robusta Honey that it symbolizes; it is incredibly robust, very honey, which means very powerful, and contains a lot of caffeine (accounting for 3% to 4% in the beans), which helps you remain alert while also bringing in a weird sweetness.

Robusta Honey is unique in that, while it has a fruity flavor, it is neither as strong as dry processing (Natural) nor as sour as wet processing (Full Wash) but neutralizes both. Robusta Honey coffee has the sweetness of natural honey, a fruity scent, a moderate sourness, and a robust bitter coffee flavor.

Vietnam Robusta Honey Processing Coffee (SCR18, SCR16): Drying Processing

Vietnam Robusta Honey Processing Coffee (SCR18, SCR16): Drying Processing

This flavor will permeate every cell and leave an aftertaste long after you have finished. Coffee Robusta Honey Process is ideal for Machine Brewing when combined with Arabica or Drip to enjoy. Robusta Honey coffee attracts men and coffee aficionados with its characteristic bitter flavor and women due to its honey-like sweetness.

2. Wet, dry processing method, honey processing method. Which one is better?

Preliminary coffee processed after harvest is an important stage of coffee cultivation. The processing method significantly influences the taste and quality of coffee beans.

The use of a way that is reasonable and consistent with the characteristics of the eggplant variety is increasingly focused on by suppliers. It is paid attention to by roasters and baristas when choosing products and corresponding extraction methods.

In addition, farmers in many regions have also recently started experimenting with new coffee-processed methods, such as anaerobic fermentation. Let’s explore today’s popular coffee processed methods: dry processing method, honey processing coffee, and Semi-Wet processing method disadvantages.


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